Sprey αδιαβροχοποίσησης βαμβακερών Nikwax Wax Cotton Proof 300ml

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Sprey αδιαβροχοποίσησης βαμβακερών Nikwax Wax Cotton Proof 300ml.
Ομάδα: Υλικά Συντήρησης
Υπό-ομάδα: Υλικό αδιαβροχοποίησης
Product Brand: Nikwax
EAN Code:
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9,00 €
10,00 €
10% Έκπτωση
In stock
Nikwax Wax Cotton Proof 300ml

Spray-on waterproofing for waxed cotton

Adds water-repellency and restores colour (green)

Benefits of using this product:

•It rejuvenates the water repellency of tired, waxed cotton clothing

•It replaces lost colour (green only) It replaces water repellent finishes

•It overcomes the problems of gear ‘wetting-out’

•It prolongs the life of your gear and optimises performance in wet weather It’s easy to apply

Ideal for:

•All waxed cotton clothing and outer wear

•Recommended for use on Barbour and Driza-Bone

How to apply:

For best results always clean outside of jacket using Nikwax® Tech Wash® (only if care label allows) with damp cloth or rinse under running water and sponge down to remove surface dirt. Shake well before use. Follow care label instructions.

Application (use gloves):

1.Protect working surface and lay fastened wet jacket on a flat clean surface.

2.Spray Nikwax® Colour Wax generously onto outer surface.

3.Spread evenly with a damp sponge or clean rag, rubbing evenly into fabric.

4.Check carefully to ensure no areas have been missed.

Drying: Hang up to air dry. Rub in any drips or runs. Touch up areas that may have been overlooked.

Note: Be careful and avoid spillage. Risk of staining clothes or surfaces.

When to use this product:

Always apply this product to used waxed cotton clothing to keep items in perfect colour and water-repellent condition. Hang-up to dry and touch up any areas that have been overlooked. To maintain the performance of waterproofed gear, refer to care label and clean with Nikwax Tech Wash to remove everyday dirt and contaminants.
Product Length (cm): 
Product Width (cm): 
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Product Volumetric Weight (Kg): 
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Product Final Weight (Kg): 

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